Tuesday, November 3, 2009

tired, clueless, and decided to start blogging

it's midnight already, and i'm still working on my assignments. not really sleepy actually, but still, it will be very nice to have some sleep at this time, due to my sickness of all this stuff. so, i decided to take a little rest and start blogging :) well, since i have almost nothing to say, let's just see what i want you to see.

this movie, people. yes, this one. it's the best movie of all time for me. the casts, the story line, and everything was just wonderful. two thumbs up. and yeah, double it. then double it again.

dan ini adalah snapshot dari the best scene yang ada di film ini, according to me. klasik, manis, dan menyentuh. oh well, beautifully done. it's sooooo worth to watch for sure.
anyway, kalo weekend ini gue ada waktu luang, gue mau nyari dvd-nya lagi dan nonton ulang film ini untuk kesejuta kalinya. karena filmnya emang nggak pernah membosankan buat ditonton. so i'm begging to Lord that He would give me some days off this weekend :(
okay, enough for this. now i have to get back on my stuff. by the way, don't even mind this midnight babbles. it's just me :D
updates: i put some of the soundtrack on my mixpod. gosh, i'm really into this movieee :))