Friday, December 25, 2009

santa claus is coming to town!

it's christmas day!!! yaaaaayyyy! :D i'm not celebrating christmas, actually. but just like everyone else, i looooove christmas thingies. the trees, ornaments, cookies and sweets, the movies, the songs, and of course, mr. santaaaa! :)) well, some tales can be such lovely sometimes. santa claus on his sleigh with rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, socks hanging near the fireplace, and presents in the morning. hmmm, lovely. oh, and look what i've got! some cute christmas texts for your beloved ones! check these out!

"Even Santa doesn’t make candy as sweet as you."

"Those aren't sugarplums dancing through my head, it's all you."

"Shouldn't you be sitting on top of the tree, Angel?"

awwwww, ubersweet! hahaha.. some people might think it's quite lame, but for me those are cute :)
by the way, i spend this christmas eve all alone in my dorm. you know, with the TV on, lights on, and stuff. kinda hard to sleep with that situation, but that's the best i can do. haha. and yeah, i passed the night. cheers.
okay, time to stop babbling now. merry christmas everyone! have a wonderful holiday! :D

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

about new year and resolutions

libur natal dan tahun baru biasanya selalu menyenangkan dan refreshing. yet, this holiday seems to be a little bit different. tugas kuliah gue, porto studio dan maket-maket (yap, maketnya nggak cuma satu. ada duaaaa! crap.) akan menemani gue sampai bulan januari. tepatnya, sampai deadline pengumpulan. which means, sampai hari keramat itu gue nggak bisa menjalani hidup gue dengan tenang, termasuk menikmati libur natal dan tahun baru. kemungkinan terbesar, gue akan tetap tinggal di bandung sampai semua urusan tugas dan pengumpulan itu selesai. sigh.

nah, untuk menghilangkan sedikit rasa frustasi, gue bermaksud menyambut tahun baru yang ceria dengan membuat "a list of my new year's resolutions". actually, this is my first time on making this stuff, but i can tell you that it's kind of exciting. so, here we go.
  • be less moody. i once ask one of my friend of what she thinks about my personality. guess what, she confused. she told me that she can't understand my personality since it's always changing due to my mood swing. scary, isn't it? but that's true. mood gue sangat mempengaruhi gue dalam berbagai hal. cara bertindak dan memperlakukan orang lain, cara memandang sesuatu, cara berpikir, and else. jadi kaya punya kepribadian ganda gitu. ya nggak sampe seserem itu juga sih, but still, my mood swing is so irritating. nah, dengan efek ekstrim seperti itu, my mood swing is somehow coming often. makanya, tahun depan, i have to be less moody. for the sake of me and everyone else. hallelujah.
  • reduce my stress. gue orangnya panikan. hal kecil sekalipun bisa bikin gue panik, dan abis itu stress. dikit-dikit stress. padahal ujung-ujungnya bikin gue susah sendiri. nah, maka dari itu, let's change that way. live a stress-less mind from now on! yeaaaah!
  • save money. if there are vending machines out there, then i might be a spending machine. gue bisa menghabiskan uang saku gue in a blink of an eye. dan abis itu gue bakalan lupa uangnya kepake buat apa aja. great. mari mulai berhemat dan menabung, kawan-kawan.
  • learn cooking. mari kita tambah daftarnya dari yang cuma omelette, instant noodle, instant spaghetti, dan yang instant-instant lainnya itu jadi lebih beragam. i already bought a recipe book, hope it will make my cooking skill get better.
  • seize my dream. my wild dream and my trully passion is foreign languages. gue berharap suatu saat bisa menguasai 7 bahasa yang gue suka. tapi ya itu dia. my wild dream is yet so wild. tapi nggak ada salahnya buat mulai merealisasikannya sedikit demi sedikit kan? mulai mempelajari salah satu, self learning juga nggak apa-apa. dimulai dari momen tahun baru. semangaaat!!!
  • more and more and more veggie. oh, and milk. beberapa orang teman sering nakut-nakutin gue soal my lack of vegetables and milk issue ini. they make a plan about the days on our old days when they get playing on the hill with their grandchildren, while me is waiting downhill due to my weak bones and body. well, that vision is kind of freaking me out honestly. so let's get healthier, baby. do it veggie way.
  • be happier, closer to God, and spend more time with family and friends.
anyway, semoga semua resolusi itu bisa gue achieve. wish me luck ya! semoga tahun depan bisa jadi tahun yang menyenangkan buat semua orang. i wish i would be able to see fireworks this new year's eve. hehe :) about the resolution, make yours! and well, happy new year 2010! :D